Our procedures
Day care De Liefste is located in Amsterdam Oud-Zuid and is easily accessible by public transport (bus 15 and tram 24), by car (Ring A10) or by bicycle. We offer the opportunity to store your bicycle until the end of the day.
Day care De Liefste is made up of 5 different age groups. There are 2 separate groups for babies ranging from 0 to 1,5 years old and 1,5 to 2,5 years old, as well as a group for toddlers from 2 to 4 year olds and a group for 3 to 4 year olds.
We are open from 7.30AM until 18.30PM and only close on national holidays.
All our staff is certified and qualified and has a certificate of conduct (VOG).
We have a large garden that we use a lot. Whilst outside, the children experience a sense of peacefulness and space that is unique for a day care in Amsterdam. Throughout the whole year the children go outside at least once a day. The toddlers go twice a day.
All our group areas are equipped with floor heating and an air conditioning system with carbon dioxide meters. This system allows us to monitor the air quality constantly.
There is continuous camera surveillance in all groups rooms, the garden as well as in the bedrooms.
According to us a day care consists of:
A continuous interaction between the individual child and the group of children in which the child develops
A respectful relationship between the parents, children and the group leaders
A loving manner in which the group leaders handle the children
Offering a warm, loving and comfortable environment for all the children
It is our wish that every child, parent and group leader has the opportunity to feel happy, satisfied, loved and appreciated. The key aspects for this are involvement, respect and attention. In their own individual way, the group leaders tick all these boxes.
On our website you will get a good impression of what our day care is all about.
If you would like to read the information over again, you can call or email us to request a brochure. If you would like to experience the De Liefste day care for yourself, you can contact us to make an appointment for a tour.
We will gladly answer any questions.
If you would like to read our inspector reviews from the GGD (Health department) Inspectierapporten Kinderdagverblijf De Liefste
If you would like to report any complaints, you can get hold of the group and there you can try to work it out together. If that doesn’t work out, you can contact Dave Samson to arrange a meeting. We work with a complaint policy that you can find on the board located in the hall or on the parent section: Klachtenprocedure Kinderdagverblijf De Liefste